In addition to facilitating relationships and groups in a facility, GAP also has a variety of projects that that occur throughout the year.

Christmas Project:

Hundreds of individuals work through the year to prepare Christmas gifts for residents. These gifts include hand made afghans, blankets, slippers, and scarves. Other gifts include small gifts and Christmas cards. Church groups and families participate in Christmas programs which include telling the story of the birth of Christ, a nativity scene play, Christmas Carols, and gift giving. Other people wrap the gifts, and paint Christmas Banners which are given to the facility to use year after year.

Art Projects:

GAP facilitates different kinds of art groups for residents throughout the year. One of the more popular kinds of art is painting. Residents are supplied with a “theme” to paint, and then are free to express themselves without the “rules” of how to paint a picture. Each painting is unique, and residents develop their “signature” style. They are one of a kind and then displayed in the hallways of the facility. We have also taken our art outside to paint garbage cans, bird feeders, and murals.

Card Making:

Individuals also work throughout the year to make a variety of seasonal or theme based cards. Some of this includes Christmas, Veterans, Valentines, Mother’s Day, and general encouragement cards. Residents LOVE this kind of small token of caring. Often times they will tape a card to the wall of their room, sometimes leaving it there for years. Cards made by kids are particularly meaningful.